AbstractFormManager - Class in triptracker.client.ui
An abstract FormManager class to handle adding, removal and displaying of forms.
AbstractFormManager() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.ui.AbstractFormManager
AbstractMapProvider - Class in triptracker.client.map.core
AbstractMapProvider() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.core.AbstractMapProvider
AbstractMapProvider(int, int) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.core.AbstractMapProvider
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSController
Handles actions from the view.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsController
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginController
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainFormController
Action is performed
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesController
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginController
Invoked when an
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.ChangeFormAction
add(double[][]...) - Static method in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Perform a matrix addition operation on an abitrary number of matrices.
add(Matrix2D<? extends Number>...) - Static method in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
addBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
Register a listener on the login button.
addBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Register a listener on the login button.
addBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
Register a listener on the login button.
addComponent(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.AbstractFormManager
Invoked as a result of a form calling register.
addConfigBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Registers actionListener to gotoMapButton
addCoordinate(Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
For adding coordinate while route is beeing plotted realtime.
addCoordListener(CoordListener) - Method in class triptracker.server.GPSHandler
MapHandlers can add themselves to the listener list and recieve updates when coordinates are added.
addDotBoxListener(ItemListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Registers actionListener to routeBox
addFollowBtnListener(ItemListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
addGetUserBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Registers actionListener to getUserButton
addGPSBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Register a listener on the GPS button.
addGPSHandler(GPSHandler) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Adds a GPS client handler to the main server handler list.
addGPSListener(GPSListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Register a listener for GPS device events.
addLayer(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
addLayers(Collection<String>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
addListener(GPSListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Register a listener for server events.
addListener(GPSSocketListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
Register a listener for server events.
addListener(MapSocketListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Register a listener for server events.
addListener(E) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Register a listener for server events.
addListener(ServerListener) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Register a listener for server events.
addLoginBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
Register a listener on the login button.
addMapBoxListener(ItemListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Registers actionListener to routeBox
addMapHandler(MapHandler) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Adds a map client handler from the main server handler list.
addMapListener(MouseListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
addMenuListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Adds the menulisteners
addMoveBtnListener(MouseListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
addNrBoxListener(ItemListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Registers actionListener to routeBox
addResetBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
addRouteBoxListener(ItemListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Registers actionListener to routeBox
addServerBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Register a listener on the Server button.
addSocketListener(GPSSocketListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Register a listener for server events.
addSpinnerListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Adds an changelistener for the intervalspinner.
addStyle(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
addStyles(Collection<String>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
addThickSpinnerListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Registers actionListener to routeBox
addTimerListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Adds an actionlistener for the timer.
addUserBoxListener(ItemListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Registers ItemListeners to userBox
addZoomBtnListener(MouseListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
addZoomInBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
Adds listener to zoomInBtn
addZoomOutBtnListener(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
Adds listener to zoomOutBtn
AIRY - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
AUSTRALIAN_NATIONAL - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
AUTH_FAIL - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Authentication failed.
AUTH_OK - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Authentication successful.
authUser(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Authenticate user by checking the username and password.
authUser(String, String) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Authenticate user by checking the username and password.
authUser(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Authenticate user by checking the username and password.
autoTransfer(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Sets the autotransfer variable
available() - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockInputStream


BaseCoord - Class in triptracker.core
BaseCoord() - Constructor for class triptracker.core.BaseCoord
Default constructor.
BaseCoord(double, double) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.BaseCoord
BAUDRATE - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
BESSEL_1841 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
BESSEL_1841_NAMIBIA - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
brokenListener(GPSListener, RuntimeException) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Reports a broken listener, removes it from the listener queue and logs the error.
brokenListener(SocketListener, RuntimeException) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Reports a broken listener, removes it from the listener queue and logs the error.
bufferFileExists() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Checks wheter the buffer file exists or not.
bufferFileExists() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainFormController
Checks if buffered file exists, and transfers if true in the buffer dialog.
bufferToFile() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Changes the text and icon on the server button to buffer mode, also changes the status msg.


calcDist(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.InfoPanel
Calculates route distance
calcRoute(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.InfoPanel
Calculates information about route average speed, distance and time spent.
calcSpeed(double, double) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.InfoPanel
Calculates route distance
calcWidth(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.InfoPanel
Calculates with from west to east.
calcX(double) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Calculates x coordinate for plotting
calcY(double) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Calculates y coordinate for plotting
cancelButton - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
cancelButton - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
cancelButton - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
ChangeFormAction - Class in triptracker.client.ui
This action class provides a simple way to do an unconditional change to another form.
ChangeFormAction(FormManager, Form) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.ui.ChangeFormAction
Creates a change form action with manager as form manager and form as the form to be shown when the action event is triggered.
changeGPSState() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Changes the state of recieving from GPS-unit.
changeTransferState() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Changes the state of transferToServer, this decides if the coordinates should be buffered locally, og sent to server
checkLimits(int, int) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Checking if coordinate is outside of window
checkMapHandler(GPSHandler) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Checks if any mapHandlers are listening to the route gpsHandler will log
CHECKSUM - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
CheckThread - Class in triptracker.server
This is for verifying the user with username and password before a special thread is started for the spesific kind of task wich he has come to this server to get fullfilled.
CheckThread(Server, Socket) - Constructor for class triptracker.server.CheckThread
Default class constructor.
chooseDefaultPort() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSController
Set a default port, should be called in the constructor of the controller.
CLARKE_1866 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
CLARKE_1880 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
clearHistory() - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
Clear the method call history.
ClientHandler - Class in triptracker.server
Message handler for connected clients.
ClientHandler(Server, Socket, User) - Constructor for class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
Sets up socket streams for client communication and creates the message reader thread for message processing.
clientListUpdate(ClientHandler, boolean) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Publish a "socket error" event to all listeners.
clientListUpdate(ClientHandler, boolean) - Method in interface triptracker.server.ServerListener
Invoked when a client joins (successful authentication) or disconnects.
close() - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockOutputStream
closeGPSPort() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Closes the GPS port
closePort() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Closes the current COM port
compressAndSend() - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockOutputStream
CompressedBlockInputStream - Class in triptracker.testing.compress
CompressedBlockInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockInputStream
CompressedBlockOutputStream - Class in triptracker.testing.compress
CompressedBlockOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockOutputStream
Constructs a CompressedBlockOutputStream that writes to the given underlying output stream 'os' and sends a compressed block once 'size' byte have been written.
CompressedBlockOutputStream(OutputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockOutputStream
Constructs a CompressedBlockOutputStream that writes to the given underlying output stream 'os' and sends a compressed block once 'size' byte have been written.
ConfigController - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
ConfigController(MapSocket, ConfigPanel) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigController
ConfigPanel - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
ConfigPanel(MapSocket, TabbedForm) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
ConfigPanel(String, MapSocket, TabbedForm) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
connect() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Connects to the hostname and port number set by SocketConnection.setHost(String) and SocketConnection.setPort(int).
connect(String, int) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Connect to server on specified port.
connected(boolean) - Method in interface triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSListener
Invoked when a GPS unit is connected or disconnected.
connected(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
connectedEvent(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Publish a connected event.
ConnectionState - Enum in triptracker.core
Client connection state.
connectionUpdate(ConnectionState) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Connection Update
connectionUpdate(ConnectionState) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
connectionUpdate(ConnectionState) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
Invoked when the connection state of the underlying socket has changed.
connectionUpdate(ConnectionState) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
Invoked when the connection state of the underlying socket has changed.
connectionUpdate(ConnectionState) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocketAdapter
Invoked when the connection state of the underlying socket has changed.
connectionUpdate(ConnectionState) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
Invoked when the connection state of the underlying socket has changed.
connectionUpdate(ConnectionState) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Publish a connection state change event to all listeners.
connectionUpdate(ConnectionState) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.SocketListener
Invoked when the connection state of the underlying socket has changed.
construct() - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.SwingWorker
Compute the value to be returned by the get method.
convertNewF(int) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.DBConversion
Converts coordinates for a given route from old NMEA sexagesimal format to new decimal format.
convNmeaToDec() - Static method in class triptracker.testing.DBConversion
Converts from old NMEA sexagesimal format to new decimal format.
COORD_ADD - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
New coordinate added.
COORD_BUFFER_ADD - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Add a bundle of coordinates.
coordBufferAdd(int) - Method in class triptracker.server.GPSHandler
For storing coordinates that have been buffered on the client for some time.
Coordinate - Class in triptracker.core
Represents a coordinate in a latitude/longitude coordinate system on a given time and date.
Coordinate() - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Default constructor.
Coordinate(double, double) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Creates a coordinate with the given latitude and longitude.
Coordinate(double, double, Date) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Creates a coordinate with the given latitude, longitude and date.
Coordinate(int, double, double) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Coordinate(int, double, double, Date) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Coordinate
coordinateBufferUpdate(String[]) - Method in interface triptracker.server.CoordListener
Invoked when a new buffered coordinates is received from a GPS client.
coordinateBufferUpdate(String[]) - Method in class triptracker.server.GPSHandler
Notifies all listeners and send them the buffered coordinates.
coordinateBufferUpdate(String[]) - Method in class triptracker.server.MapHandler
CoordinateTest - Class in triptracker.testing
Test class for plotting coordinates.
CoordinateTest() - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.CoordinateTest
coordinateUpdate(Coordinate) - Method in interface triptracker.server.CoordListener
Invoked when a new coordinate is received from a GPS client.
coordinateUpdate(Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.server.GPSHandler
Notifies all listeners and send them the coordinate.
coordinateUpdate(Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.server.MapHandler
Sends newly recieved coordinate to mapClient.
coordList - Variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
CoordListener - Interface in triptracker.server
coordReceived(Coordinate) - Method in interface triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSListener
Invoked when a new coordinate is received from the GPS unit.
coordReceived(Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
coordReceived(int, Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
coordReceived(int, Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Publish a connection state change event to all listeners.
coordReceived(int, Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
Invoked when a coordinate is received.
coordReceived(int, Coordinate) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.MapSocketListener
Invoked when a coordinate is received.
coordsReceived(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
coordsReceived(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Publish a connection state change event to all listeners.
coordsReceived(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
Invoked when buffered coordinates is received.
coordsReceived(List<Coordinate>) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.MapSocketListener
Invoked when buffered coordinates is received.
coordToStringTest() - Static method in class triptracker.testing.Test
cosineDist(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns the distance between two points according to the law of cosines.
createMenu() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Creates a menubar.
createRoute(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Creates a new route on server with the given description.
createTimer(ActionListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Creates a new timer
CRLF - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
currCoordSet() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets the current coordinates
currCoordSet() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
currentForm - Variable in class triptracker.client.ui.AbstractFormManager
The currently activated form.


database - Static variable in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
dateToString(Date) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
dateToString(Date, String) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
db - Variable in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
DBConversion - Class in triptracker.testing
Converts from wierd sexagesimal coordinate format to decimal format and fixes the old faulty conversion from NMEA sexagesimal to decimal.
DBConversion() - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.DBConversion
DBDebugProxy - Class in triptracker.testing.compress
Proxy class for logging database
DBDebugProxy(Statement) - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.compress.DBDebugProxy
Creates an object of the super proxy class.
DBTest - Class in triptracker.testing.dbtest
DBTest() - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.dbtest.DBTest
debugEnabled - Static variable in class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
DebugProxy - Class in triptracker.testing.compress
Generic debug proxy class that logs every method call.
DebugProxy(Object) - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
Creation of new proxies can only be made by the proxyFor(Object) method since the constructor's visibility is private.
DebugProxy - Class in triptracker.testing
decideZoneNum(double, double) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Decides a UTM Zone Number for a given latitude and result.
decOldToNmea(double) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Deprecated. Replaced by Coordinate.decToNmea(double) to correct a calculation error.
decSexDecTest() - Static method in class triptracker.testing.Test
decToNmea(double) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Converts degrees in decimal format to NMEA sexagesimal format.
decToSex(double) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Sexagesimal
DELIMITER - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
DELIMITER - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Message field delimiter.
Demo - Class in triptracker.testing.compress
Demo() - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.compress.Demo
deregister(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Deregisters a form
deregister(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapClientGui
deregister(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.AbstractFormManager
De-register a form from a form manager.
deregister(Form) - Method in interface triptracker.client.ui.FormManager
De-register a form from a form manager.
disconnect() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Disconnect from the socket.
disconnectFromSocket() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Disconnects from socket.
drawBezierRoute(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Drawing route in bezier splines
drawStraightRoute(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Draw route.


EARTH_RADIUS - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Earth radius.
Ellipsoid - Class in triptracker.core
The Earth is not an exact ellipsoid.
Ellipsoid(String, double, double) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Ellipsoid
enableLogOffItem(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Enables/Disables the logOffItem in the menubar
enableLogOnItem(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Enables/Disables the logOnItem in the menubar
enableMenu(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Enables the menu if true
enableRouteItem(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Enables/Disables the routeItem in the menubar
EVEREST - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
exitItem - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
expandToSquare(boolean[][]) - Static method in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Expand a matrix until it becomes square.
expandToSquares(Matrix2D<Number>, Number) - Static method in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps


finished() - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.SwingWorker
Called on the event dispatching thread (not on the worker thread) after the construct method has returned.
FISHER_1960_MERCURY - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
FISHER_1968 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
fixOldDec(double) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.Test
fixOldDec2(double) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.Test
flip3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Flip matrix.
flush() - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockOutputStream
form - Variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
form - Variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.InfoPanel
Form - Interface in triptracker.client.ui
Form inteface for managing forms in a GUI by a FormManager.
FormManager - Interface in triptracker.client.ui
The form manager interface provides methods for forms to register on their parent GUI object and gives them the ability to change to other forms dynamically.
forms - Variable in class triptracker.client.ui.AbstractFormManager
List of currently registered forms.
friendlyString(Date, Date) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils


generalItem - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
get(int, int) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.Matrix2D
get() - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.SwingWorker
Return the value created by the construct method.
getActiveRoute() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Returns the active route
getActiveRoute() - Method in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
Returns the currently active route for this client handler.
getAutoTransfer() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
Checks if the autotransfer box is selected.
getAutoTransferState() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Checks if autotransfer is set
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
getBoxRoute() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Returns selected element in routeBox
getBoxUser() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Returns selected element in userBox
getComPorts() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets a list of the available COM ports.
getCompression() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Checks if the client should use compression to send the buffered coordinates to the server
getCompression() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
Checks if the compressbox is selected
getCoordDate() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets the date/time the coordinate was recieved.
getCoordId() - Method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns id of coordinate
getCoordinates(int) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Returns the coordinates of a route for a specific user and route.
getCoordinates(int) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Returns the coordinates of a route for a specific user and route.
getCoordinates(int) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Returns the coordinates of a route for a specific user and route.
getCurrentCoord() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets the current coordinate
getCurrentCoordinate() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
getCurrentForm() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Gets the current form
getDate() - Method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns date of coordinate
getDateString() - Method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns the time and date associated with the coordinate.
getDeg() - Method in class triptracker.core.Sexagesimal
getDescription() - Method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentenceID
getDescription() - Method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEATalkerID
getDescription() - Method in class triptracker.core.Route
getEasting() - Method in class triptracker.core.UTMPoint
getEccentricity() - Method in class triptracker.core.Ellipsoid
Returns earths eccentricity value based on the active datum
getEllipsoid(int) - Static method in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
getEllipsoids() - Static method in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
getExtension(String) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
Return the file extension of a file.
getField(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
getField(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
getFieldCount() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
getFormComponent() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
getFormComponent() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Gets the formComponent
getFormComponent() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Gets the form's component
getFormComponent() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
getFormComponent() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
getFormComponent() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
getFormComponent() - Method in interface triptracker.client.ui.Form
Returns the root JComponent object that this form operates on.
getGPSHandler(Route) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Returns a GPSHandler to listen to.
getGPSHandlers() - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
getGPSState() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets the state of recieving from GPS-unit
getHeight() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.AbstractMapProvider
getHistory() - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
Returns the method call history as a list of strings.
getHost() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Returns the current hostname.
getHostname() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Get the hostname value
getImageFormat() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
getImageIcon(String) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
Retrieve an ImageIcon from a resource file located in the "/resources/" folder.
getInterval() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets the interval for recieving coordinates from the GPS-unit
getInterval() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Gets the interval to get data from the GPS-unit
getLastUpdate() - Method in class triptracker.core.Route
Returns the date and time of the last
getLastUpdateString() - Method in class triptracker.core.Route
getLength(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.Matrix2D
getLimits(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Return edge limits for the given set of coordinates.
getLogFile() - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Returns the file where log messages are written.
getLoginForm() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Gets the form registered as login form
getLoginForm() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapClientGui
Returns loginForm
getManufacturer() - Method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentenceID
getManufacturerID() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
getMap(double, double, double, double) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.AbstractMapProvider
getMap(double, double, double, double) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.MapCacheProvider
getMap(double, double, double, double) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
getMap() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
Returns map
getMatrix() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.Matrix2D
getMin() - Method in class triptracker.core.Sexagesimal
getModel() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapClientGui
getName() - Method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEAManufacturerID
getName() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
getName() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Gets the name
getName() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Gets the form name
getName() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
getName() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
getName() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
getName() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
getName() - Method in interface triptracker.client.ui.Form
Returns the name of this form.
getName() - Method in class triptracker.core.Ellipsoid
Returns the datum's name
getNewRoute() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
Gets the new route
getNewRouteDesc() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
Gets the description of the new route created
getNorthing() - Method in class triptracker.core.UTMPoint
getOldCoord() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets the old coordinate
getPassword() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Get password
getPassword() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
getPassword() - Method in class triptracker.core.User
getPort() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Get the COM-port
getPort() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
Gets the selected port
getPort() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Get the active port
getPort() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Returns the current port.
getPortOwner() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
getPorts() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Returns a list of available serial ports.
getProviderUrl() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
getRadius() - Method in class triptracker.core.Ellipsoid
Returns earths radius value based on the active datum
getRatio(double[]) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Sets the ratio between route bounds and actual window size.
getRealtimeRoutes() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Gets realtime plotting routes from server.
getResource(String) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
Retrieve an URL for a resource.
getRoute() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
Returns selected element in routeBox
getRoute() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
Returns route
getRoute(Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Gets complete route from server.
getRoute(int) - Method in class triptracker.server.MapHandler
For recieving a complete route from database.
getRoute(int) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Returns spesific route with routeId
getRoute(int) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Returns spesific route with routeId
getRoute(int) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Returns spesific route with routeId
getRouteDesc(Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Returns a route's desciption
getRouteId(Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Returns a route's id
getRouteId() - Method in class triptracker.core.Route
getRoutes(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets the routes for a given user
getRoutes(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Request a list of routes for a given user.
getRoutes(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Returns routes from specific user.
getRoutes(String) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Returns routes from specific user.
getRoutes(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Returns routes from specific user.
getSec() - Method in class triptracker.core.Sexagesimal
getSentence() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
getSentenceID() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
getSRS() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
getString(String) - Static method in class triptracker.server.persistence.Properties
getStringLat() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
getStringLat() - Method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns a string representation of the latitude
getStringLon() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
getStringLon() - Method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns a string representation of the longitude
getTabbedForm() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapClientGui
getTalkerID() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
getThick() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
getTimer() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Get the current timer
getTransferState() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets the state of transferToServer
getType() - Method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEATalkerID
getUser() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
Returns user
getUser(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
getUser(int) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Returns user data for the specified user.
getUser(int) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Returns user asked for
getUser(int) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Returns user asked for
getUserId() - Method in class triptracker.core.Route
getUserId() - Method in class triptracker.core.User
getUserId(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Returns userId of given username.
getUserId(String) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Returns userId of given username.
getUserId(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Returns userId of given username.
getUserId() - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
getUserList() - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Returns list of users to get routes from
getUserList() - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Returns list of users to get routes from
getUserList() - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Returns list of users to get routes from
getUsername() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets the current username
getUsername() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Get username
getUsername() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
getUsername() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Returns the name of the active user.
getUsername() - Method in class triptracker.core.User
getUsers() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Send a request for a list of users to the server.
getUsers() - Method in class triptracker.server.MapHandler
Sends a list of users to client.
getValue() - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.SwingWorker
Get the value produced by the worker thread, or null if it hasn't been constructed yet.
getVisible() - Method in class triptracker.core.Route
getWidth() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.AbstractMapProvider
getX() - Method in class triptracker.core.BaseCoord
getX() - Method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns the longitude position of the coordinate.
getY() - Method in class triptracker.core.BaseCoord
getY() - Method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns the latitude position of the coordinate.
getZoneLetter() - Method in class triptracker.core.UTMPoint
getZoneNumber() - Method in class triptracker.core.UTMPoint
go(double, double) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Moves window specified pixel length, from center.
gotoMap() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Will change selected window to MapViewPanel
gotoMap(boolean, Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
gpsButton - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
GPSClient - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
This is the launcher class for the GPS client.
GPSClient() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSClient
GPSClientModel - Class in triptracker.client.gps.core
GPS Client sends coordinates to a server.
GPSClientModel() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
GPSConnection - Class in triptracker.client.gps.core
GPSConnection() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
GPSController - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
Map client controller for Model View Controller (MVC) separation.
GPSController(GPSClientModel, GPSGui) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSController
GPSGui - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
The main GUI class for the GPS-client
GPSGui(GPSClientModel) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Default constructor.
GPSHandler - Class in triptracker.server
Handler for coordinate submitter/sender clients.
GPSHandler(Server, Socket, User) - Constructor for class triptracker.server.GPSHandler
Sets up socket streams for communication with a GPS client and creates the message reader thread for message processing.
GPSListener - Interface in triptracker.client.gps.core
Interface for events recieved from the GPSConnection class by its serialEvent method.
GPSSettingsController - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
GPSSettingsController(GPSClientModel, GPSSettingsForm) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsController
GPSSettingsForm - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
GPSSettingsForm(GPSGui, GPSClientModel) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view's FormManager.
GPSSettingsForm(GPSGui, String, GPSClientModel) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
GPSSocket - Class in triptracker.client.net
GPSSocket() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
GPSSocketAdapter - Class in triptracker.client.net
An abstract adapter class for receiving GPS socket events.
GPSSocketAdapter() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocketAdapter
GPSSocketListener - Interface in triptracker.client.net
GPSStatusState - Enum in triptracker.client.gps.core
Client connection state.
GRS_1967 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
GRS_1980 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids


hasActiveRoute() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Checks if active route is set locally.
hasLayer(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
hasSignal() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Checks if the GPS-unit has a fixed position from the satellites.
hasSignal() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Checks wheter the GPS has connection to the satellites
hasStyle(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
haversineDist(Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns the Haversine distance from this to another coordinate.
haversineDist(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns the Haversine distance between two points.
haversineDist(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns the Haversine distance between two points.
haversineDist(List<Coordinate>) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns the sequential Haverside distance between the coordinates.
HELMERT_1906 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
history - Variable in class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
HOST - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Default host address.
HOUGH - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids


identity3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
3x3 identity matrix.
in - Variable in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
in - Variable in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
increaseRecievedField() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Increases the number of recieved coordinates
InfoPanel - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
Panel containing information about route, user and others.
InfoPanel(MapSocket, TabbedForm) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.InfoPanel
init() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapClientGui
inStream - Variable in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
inStream - Variable in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
INTERNATIONAL - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
interrupt() - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.SwingWorker
A new method that interrupts the worker thread.
intervalSpinner - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
invalidMessage(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
invalidMessage(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocketAdapter
Invoked when an invalid or unsupported message is received from the server.
invalidMessage(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
Invoked when an invalid or unsupported message is received from the server.
invalidMessage(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Publish an invalid message event to all listeners.
invalidMessage(String) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.SocketListener
Invoked when an invalid or unsupported message is received from the server.
invalidMessage(ClientHandler, String) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Publish an "invalid message" event to all listeners.
invalidMessage(ClientHandler, String) - Method in interface triptracker.server.ServerListener
Invoked when an invalid or unsupported message is received from the client.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.DBDebugProxy
Captures all calls to the SQL query methods in order to print their arguments to stdout.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
This method is called everytime a call is made to any method on the proxy instance.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class triptracker.testing.DebugProxy
isActive() - Method in class triptracker.core.Route
Returns the active state of the route.
isAlive() - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.SwingWorker
Tests if this thread is alive.
isChecksumPresent() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
isClosed() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Checks if the client connection is closed.
isConnected() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Checks if connected to socket.
isConnected() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Checks if connected to the COM port
isConnected() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Checks if the client is connected to the server.
isConnectedToGPS() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Checks if connected to the GPS-unit
isDebugEnabled() - Static method in class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
Get the enabled state of the debug proxy class.
isIgnoreChecksum() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
isLoggedIn() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Checks if logged in to server
isLoggedIn() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Checks if the client is logged in.
isProprietary() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
isTransparent() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
isValidSignal() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Checks if the signal is valid
iterator() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.Matrix2D


javaPropTest() - Static method in class triptracker.testing.Test


KRASSOVSKY - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids


listeners - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Listener set for Model View Controller (MVC) separation.
listeners - Variable in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Listener set for Model View Controller (MVC) separation.
llToUTM(int, double, double) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Converts from lat/lon to a UTMpoint containting northing and easting plus zone with zone letter
lockRoute(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
For locking route when it is finnished.
lockRoute(int, boolean) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Lock the route for further logging or unlock it to continue logging.
lockRoute(int, boolean) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Lock the route for further logging or unlock it to continue logging.
lockRoute(int, boolean) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Lock the route for further logging or unlock it to continue logging.
log(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.CheckThread
For broadcasting messages to logfile.
log(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
This method is used for logging messages on the server.
log(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
log(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Log a status message to the server log file.
loggedIn - Variable in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
loginButton - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
LoginController - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
LoginController(GPSClientModel, LoginForm) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginController
LoginController - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
LoginController(MapSocket, LoginForm) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginController
LoginForm - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
LoginForm(GPSGui, GPSClientModel) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
LoginForm(GPSGui, String, GPSClientModel) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
LoginForm - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
LoginForm(MapClientGui, MapSocket) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
LoginForm(MapClientGui, String, MapSocket) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the manager.
logOffItem - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
logon(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Logs on to the server.
logon(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
Logon a user of the type Protocol.SENDCLIENT.
logon(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Logon a user of the type Protocol.MAPCLIENT.
logon(int, String, String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Logon a user.
logOnItem - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui


main(String[]) - Static method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSClient
main(String[]) - Static method in class triptracker.server.Server
Main server entry point.
main(String[]) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.compress.Demo
main(String[]) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.compress.Server
main(String[]) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.DBConversion
main(String[]) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.dbtest.DBTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.Test
main(String[]) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.UTMtest
MainForm - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
MainForm(GPSGui, GPSClientModel) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
MainForm(GPSGui, GPSClientModel, String) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
MainFormController - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
Map client controller for Model View Controller (MVC) separation.
MainFormController(GPSClientModel, MainForm) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainFormController
MAKE_ROUTE - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Make a new route.
makeMsg(Object...) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Builds a message by adding Protocol.DELIMITER between each message part and putting Protocol.NEWLINE at the end.
makeMsg(String, StringBuilder, Object...) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Builds a message by adding Protocol.DELIMITER between each message part and putting msgDelim at the end.
makeMsg(StringBuilder, Object...) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Builds a message by adding Protocol.DELIMITER between each message part and putting Protocol.NEWLINE at the end.
makeRoute(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
Generates new route
makeRoute(int, String, boolean) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Generates a new route to the user with description.
makeRoute(int, String, boolean) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Generates a new route to the user with description.
makeRoute(int, String, boolean) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Generates a new route to the user with description.
Map - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
Map(MapSocket, MapViewPanel) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
map - Variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
MapCacheProvider - Class in triptracker.client.map.core
MapCacheProvider(AbstractMapProvider) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.core.MapCacheProvider
MAPCLIENT - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Client is a coordinate reciever/sink.
MapClientGui - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
An Applet-GUI for the map client.
MapClientGui() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapClientGui
MapClientGui(MapSocket) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapClientGui
Default constructor.
MapController - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
Map client controller for Model View Controller (MVC) separation.
MapController(Map) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapController
MapHandler - Class in triptracker.server
Handler for map clients.
MapHandler(Server, Socket, User) - Constructor for class triptracker.server.MapHandler
Sets up socket streams for communication with a map client and creates the message reader thread for message processing.
MapSocket - Class in triptracker.client.net
MapSocket() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
MapSocketAdapter - Class in triptracker.client.net
An abstract adapter class for receiving map socket events.
MapSocketAdapter() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
MapSocketListener - Interface in triptracker.client.net
MapSocketListener.RouteState - Enum in triptracker.client.net
MapViewController - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
MapViewController(MapSocket, MapViewPanel) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewController
MapViewPanel - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
MapViewPanel(MapSocket, TabbedForm) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
The constructor creates a JPanel for the map view
Matrix2D<E> - Class in triptracker.client.map.core
Matrix2D() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.core.Matrix2D
Matrix2D(E[][]) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.core.Matrix2D
MAXLENGTH - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
messageHandler(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
Message handler for data received on socket.
messageHandler(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Message handler for data received on socket.
messageHandler(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Message handler for data received on socket.
messageHandler(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
Invoked when a new message has been recieved.
messageHandler(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.GPSHandler
Invoked when a new message has been recieved.
messageHandler(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.MapHandler
Invoked when a new message has been recieved.
messageLoop() - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Checks for messages recieved from the server, and pass them to the message handler for further processing.
messageLoop() - Method in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
Checks for messages recieved from the server, and pass them to the message handler for further processing.
methods - Variable in class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
minimize(boolean[][]) - Static method in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Minimize the matrix by removing rows and columns from either of the four sides where all the elements are false.
mirror3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Mirror matrix.
MODIFIED_AIRY - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
MODIFIED_EVEREST - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
MODIFIED_FISCHER_1960 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
mouseClick(double, double, int) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Handles action for mouseclick.
moveMatrix(double[], double, double) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
multiply(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Perform a matrix multiplication operation.
multiply(double, double[][]) - Static method in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Multiply a matrix by a factor.
MySqlDB - Class in triptracker.server.persistence
Implementation of the persistence layer in the form of a MySQL database.
MySqlDB() - Constructor for class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB


name - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
name - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
name - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
name - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
name - Variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
name - Variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
name - Variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
nameCount - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
nameCount - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
nameCount - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
nameCount - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
nameCount - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
nameCount - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
nameCount - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
newButton - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
newInstance(Object) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.DebugProxy
NEWLINE - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
The newline character separating each message.
nmeaDecNmea() - Static method in class triptracker.testing.Test
NMEAManufacturerID - Enum in triptracker.client.gps.core
nmeaOldToDec(double) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Deprecated. Replaced by Coordinate.nmeaToDec(double) to correct a calculation error.
NMEASentence - Class in triptracker.client.gps.core
Parser for the GPS NMEA-0183 (National Marine Electronics Association) data protocol.
NMEASentence() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
NMEASentence(String) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
NMEASentenceID - Enum in triptracker.client.gps.core
NMEATalkerID - Enum in triptracker.client.gps.core
NMEATalkerType - Enum in triptracker.client.gps.core
nmeaTest() - Static method in class triptracker.testing.Test
nmeaToDec(double) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Converts degrees in NMEA sexagesimal format to decimal format.


obj - Variable in class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
oldDecToNewTest() - Static method in class triptracker.testing.Test
open(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Connects to the GPS-unit at the given port
openFile(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Opens the given file
openFile() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Opens the given file
openGPSPort() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Connects to the GPS on the set serial port.
out - Variable in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
out - Variable in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
outStream - Variable in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
outStream - Variable in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler


paint(Graphics) - Method in class triptracker.testing.CoordinateTest
TEMP, just for testing, draws some random points and draws a line between them.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
parseDate(String) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
parseDate(String, String) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
parseSentence(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
Parses the NMEA-0183 sentence.
pauseFromGPS() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Changes the text and icon on the GPS button to pause mode, also changes the status msg.
Persistence - Interface in triptracker.server.persistence
Interface for the data persistency layer.
PersistenceAdapter - Class in triptracker.server.persistence
Works as an adapter for Persistence classes with built-in logging and all classes throwing an UnsupportedOperationException if not overridden.
PersistenceAdapter() - Constructor for class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
PORTNR - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Default protocol port number.
Properties - Class in triptracker.server.persistence
Protocol - Class in triptracker.core
The Protocol class works by being a common place where both the server and client can obtain information in order to conform to the protocol.
Protocol() - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Protocol
proxyFor(Statement) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.compress.DBDebugProxy
proxyFor(Object) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
Creates a logging proxy object from the specified object.


QUIT - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Client wants to terminate the connection.


read() - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockInputStream
readExcepion(IOException) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Read exception has occured.
readExcepion(IOException) - Method in interface triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSListener
Invoked when exception in the method who is reading data from the GPS-unit occurs.
readExcepion(IOException) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Handles an read exception when trying to read data from the GPS-unit
realtime - Variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
REALTIME - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Realtime state has changed.
recieveFromGPS() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Changes the text and icon on the GPS button to recieve mode, also changes the status msg.
ReferenceEllipsoids - Class in triptracker.core
The Earth is not an exact ellipsoid.
refreshView() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
Invoked by FormManager right before this form is displayed.
refreshView() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
refreshView() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Refreshes the form
refreshView() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
refreshView() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
refreshView() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
refreshView() - Method in interface triptracker.client.ui.Form
Invoked by FormManager right before this form is displayed.
register(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Registers a form
register(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapClientGui
register(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.AbstractFormManager
Register a form on the form manager.
register(Form) - Method in interface triptracker.client.ui.FormManager
Register a form on the form manager.
removeAllLayers() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
removeAllStyles() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
removeComponent(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.AbstractFormManager
Invoked as a result of a form calling deregister.
removeCoordListener(CoordListener) - Method in class triptracker.server.GPSHandler
MapHandlers can add themselves to the listener list and recieve updates when coordinates are added.
removeGPSHandler(GPSHandler) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Removes a GPS client handler from the main server handler list.
removeGPSListener(GPSListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Remove listener from listener queue.
removeLayer(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
removeListener(GPSListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Remove listener from listener queue.
removeListener(GPSSocketListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
Remove listener from listener queue.
removeListener(MapSocketListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Remove listener from listener queue.
removeListener(E) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Remove listener from listener queue.
removeListener(ServerListener) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Remove listener from listener queue.
removeMapHandler(MapHandler) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Removes a map client handler from the main server handler list.
removeSocketListener(GPSSocketListener) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Remove listener from listener queue.
removeStyle(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
reset() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Resets map to initial size
resetMap() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
Resets map to initial state
rotate180d3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
180 degrees rotation matrix.
rotate270d3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
270 degrees (anti-clockwise?) rotation matrix
rotate3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
All rotation matrices.
rotate90d3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
90 degrees (anti-clockwise?) rotation matrix.
round(double, int) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
Rounds a number according to Math.round(double) with the specified number of decimals.
roundStr(double, int) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
Rounds a number according to Math.round(double) with the specified number of decimals and returns a string with the exact number of decimals.
route - Variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
Route - Class in triptracker.core
Route represents a stored route on the server with a route ID, user ID and description.
Route(int) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Route
Route(int, int, String) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Route
Route(int, int, String, boolean, Date) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Route
Route(int, int, String, boolean, boolean, Date) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Route
route - Variable in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
ROUTE_GET - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Get all coodinates for spesific route.
ROUTE_LOCK - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Lock/unlock a route.
routeCreated(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
routeCreated(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
Publish a route created message event to all listeners.
routeCreated(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocketAdapter
Invoked when a route creation confirmation is received.
routeCreated(int) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.GPSSocketListener
Invoked when a route creation confirmation is received.
routeList(List<Route>) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
routeList(List<Route>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
routeList(List<Route>) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocketAdapter
Invoked when a list of routes is received.
routeList(List<Route>) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.GPSSocketListener
Invoked when a list of routes is received.
routeList(List<Route>) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Publish a route list update event to all listeners.
routeList(List<Route>) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
Invoked when a list of routes is received.
routeList(List<Route>) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.MapSocketListener
Invoked when a list of routes is received.
routeReceived(int, List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
Called from model when route is recieved from server
routeReceived(int, List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Publish a route list update event to all listeners.
routeReceived(int, List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
Invoked when a list of coordinates for a given route is received.
routeReceived(int, List<Coordinate>) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.MapSocketListener
Invoked when a list of coordinates for a given route is received.
RoutesController - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
RoutesController(GPSClientModel, RoutesForm, Form) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesController
RoutesForm - Class in triptracker.client.gps.ui
RoutesForm(GPSGui, GPSClientModel, Form) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
RoutesForm(GPSGui, String, GPSClientModel, Form) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
routesReceived(List<Route>) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
routeUpdate(int, MapSocketListener.RouteState) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
routeUpdate(int, MapSocketListener.RouteState) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
Invoked when the state of a route is changed.
routeUpdate(int, MapSocketListener.RouteState) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.MapSocketListener
Invoked when the state of a route is changed.
run() - Method in class triptracker.server.CheckThread
Main thread entry point.
run() - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.Server
run() - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.ServerWorker


saveButton - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
saveCoord() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Saves the coordinates, based on connected to server or not.
scale3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Both scaling matrices.
scalex3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
X-axis scaling matrix.
scaley3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Y-axis scaling matrix.
send(OutputStream, boolean, Object...) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Send a message with the specified stream.
send(OutputStream, Object...) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Sends a message with the specified stream.
SENDCLIENT - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Client is a coordinate sender/source.
sendCoord(Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
Sends coordinates to server.
sendData(int) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.compress.Demo
sendMessage(Object...) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Sends a message to the server
sendMessage(OutputStream, Object...) - Method in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
Uses method in protocol to send message to client.
sendMessage(Object...) - Method in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
Sends a message to the client.
sendTmpCoords(StringBuilder) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocket
Sends buffered coordinates to server.
sendZipMessage(OutputStream, Object...) - Method in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
Sends compressed data to client.
server - Variable in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
server - Static variable in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Server - Class in triptracker.server
Main server class.
Server() - Constructor for class triptracker.server.Server
Default constructor.
Server - Class in triptracker.testing.compress
Server(int) - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.compress.Server
serverButton - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
serverButton() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainFormController
ServerListener - Interface in triptracker.server
Listener interface for the server and its client connections.
ServerWorker - Class in triptracker.testing.compress
ServerWorker(Socket) - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.compress.ServerWorker
set(int, int, E) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.Matrix2D
SET_ROUTE - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Set active route.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.core.Route
Set route state to activated or deactivated.
setActiveRoute(Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Sets current route as active route locally.
setActiveRoute(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Sets the activeroute label
setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
setBorders(double[]) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Returns borders of what to show
setCenter(double, double) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Sets position x,y to center of view
setCompression(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Set if you want compression or not.
setCoordList(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Sets route to plot
setCoordList(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
Sets list of coordinates
setDebugEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class triptracker.testing.compress.DebugProxy
Set the enabled state of the debug proxy class.
setDescription(Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.InfoPanel
Sets route description
setDistField(double) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Sets the distance field.
setEnableControls(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
setFollow(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
If selected, will follow coordinates under realtime plotting
setFollow(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
setGPSBtnTxt(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Changes the text on the gpsButton.
setHost(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
setHost(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Set hostname to connect to.
setIgnoreChecksum(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
setImageFormat(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
setInfo(Route, User) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
setInfo() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
setInterval(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Set interval for recieving coordinates from the GPS-unit
setLastUpdateField(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Sets the last updated field
setLatLonFields(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Sets the latitude / logitude fields
setLocation(double, double) - Method in class triptracker.core.BaseCoord
setLocation(Point2D) - Method in class triptracker.core.BaseCoord
setLogFile(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Set the filename where log messages should be written.
setMapView(boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
setMatrix(E[][]) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.Matrix2D
setMessage(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
setMove() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Sets mouseklick to move to position
setMove() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
Sets mouseKlick to center on selected position
setPort(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Sets a port to the active COM-port
setPort(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
setPort(int) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Set port to connect to.
setProviderUrl(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
setRealtime(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Sets realtime if route is plotted realtime
setRealtimeRoute(Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Sets realtime route to track.
setRoute(Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.InfoPanel
Sets route to display info of
setRoute(boolean, Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
Asks server for coordinates to selected route
setRoute(Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
Sets route
setRoute(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
setRoute(Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Sets route to track
setRouteBox(List<Route>) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
Adds route elements to routeBox
setRouteBox(List<Route>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Adds route elements to routeBox
setRouteList(List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.InfoPanel
setRouteOnServer(Route) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Sets the given route as the active route on server
setServerBtnTxt(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Changes the text on the serverButton.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.AbstractMapProvider
setSRS(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
setState(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
setState(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
setStatusMsg(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Set the text of the status bar.
setStatusMsg(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
Sets an status message.
setStatusMsg(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Sets status message
setStatusMsg(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Set the status message on the status bar.
setStatusMsg(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
Sets the status msg
setTransparent(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
setUser(User) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.InfoPanel
setUser(User) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
Sets user
setUserBox(List<User>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Adds user elements to userBox
setUserId(int) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
setView(boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class triptracker.core.Route
Set the visibility of the route to other clients.
setVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Changes the visibility of a route. By changing visibility of a route you can make sure that it can only be seen by its owner or by all clients.
setVisible(int, boolean) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Changes the visibility of a route.
setVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Changes the visibility of a route.
setZoom() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Sets mouseklick to zoom to position
setZoom() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
Sets mouseKlick to zoom in on klicked position
Sexagesimal - Class in triptracker.core
Util class to represent a coordinate in sexagesimal format.
Sexagesimal(int, int, double) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Sexagesimal
Sexagesimal(double) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Sexagesimal
sexToDec(Sexagesimal) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Converts degrees in sexagesimal format to decimal format.
sexToDec(int, int, double) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Converts degrees in sexagesimal format to decimal format.
showComponent(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.AbstractFormManager
Invoked as a result of a call to showForm.
showErrorDialog(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Shows a warning dialog
showErrorDialog(String, String, ImageIcon) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Generates and shows an error dialog
showErrorDialog(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Shows a warning dialog
showErrorDialog(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Shows an error dialog.
showForm(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Shows the given form
showForm(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapClientGui
showForm(Form) - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.AbstractFormManager
Shows the specified form on the container controlled by the form manager.
showForm(Form) - Method in interface triptracker.client.ui.FormManager
Shows the specified form on the container controlled by the form manager.
showInfoDialog(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Shows a info dialog
showInfoDialog(String, String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
Creates an info dialog with the give heading and info
showLogin() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Shows the loginform.
showLoginForm() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Shows the login form
showLogOffDialog() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Shows dialog to log off, user have to confirm
showMain() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
showMain() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.LoginForm
Shows the main form
showMain() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Show main form.
showMain() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
showMainForm() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Shows the main form
showRoutes() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSSettingsForm
Show the route form
showRoutes() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Show route form
showRoutesForm() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Shows the route form
showRoutesItem - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
showSettingsForm() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.GPSGui
Shows the settings form
SimpleMatrixOps - Class in triptracker.client.map.core
SimpleMatrixOps() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
SocketConnection<E extends SocketListener> - Class in triptracker.client.net
Connects to the server through a socket.
SocketConnection() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
socketError(IOException) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainFormController
A socket error has occured
socketError(IOException) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.LoginForm
Invoked when a socket error is encountered. This generally means that the socket has been closed or at least disconnected from the server.
socketError(IOException) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
socketError(IOException) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.GPSSocketAdapter
Invoked when a socket error is encountered.
socketError(IOException) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
Invoked when a socket error is encountered.
socketError(IOException) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.SocketListener
Invoked when a socket error is encountered.
socketError(ClientHandler, IOException) - Method in interface triptracker.server.ServerListener
Invoked when a socket error is encountered.
socketErrorEvent(IOException) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.SocketConnection
Publish a socket error event to all listeners.
socketErrorEvent(ClientHandler, IOException) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Publish a "socket error" event to all listeners.
SocketListener - Interface in triptracker.client.net
Listener interface for a socket connection.
SOUTH_AMERICAN_1969 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
START - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentence
start() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Run when this window is activated by login.
start() - Method in class triptracker.client.ui.SwingWorker
Start the worker thread.
startHandler() - Method in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
Start the socket data reader thread.
startLogging(GPSHandler) - Method in class triptracker.server.MapHandler
Signals that tracking will start
startRecieve() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Start recieve from the GPS-unit
startRecieveFromGPS() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Starts recieving from the GPS-unit
startServer(int) - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Main method will open the server socket, and go into a loop, where it recieves clients and starts handlers.
startTimer() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Starts the timer.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainFormController
statusUpdate(GPSStatusState) - Method in interface triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSListener
Invoked when the state for the connected GPS unit changes.
statusUpdate(GPSStatusState) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
stopHandler() - Method in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
Invoked when the client has disconnected.
stopHandler() - Method in class triptracker.server.GPSHandler
The method making sure everything is being shutdown before the handler deletes itself.
stopHandler() - Method in class triptracker.server.MapHandler
TODO (harald) Not finished yet!!! The method making sure everything is being shutdown before the handler deletes itself.
stopLogging(GPSHandler) - Method in interface triptracker.server.CoordListener
Used when a client stops to send coordinates.
stopLogging() - Method in class triptracker.server.GPSHandler
stopLogging(GPSHandler) - Method in class triptracker.server.MapHandler
Will stop the logging of a tracker.
stopRecieve() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
Stop/pause recieve from the GPS-unit
stopRecieveFromGPS() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Stops recieving from the GPS-unit
stopServer() - Method in class triptracker.server.Server
Method being run when server is set for stopping.
stopTimer() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Stops the timer.
storeCoordinate(Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.server.GPSHandler
Publish a coordinate to all coordinate listeners and then lets the persistency layer store it permanently.
storeCoordinate(int, Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Stores coordinates from the GPS in the database.
storeCoordinate(int, List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB
Stores buffered coordinates from the GPS in the database.
storeCoordinate(int, Coordinate) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Stores coordinates from the GPS in the database.
storeCoordinate(int, List<Coordinate>) - Method in interface triptracker.server.persistence.Persistence
Stores buffered coordinates from the GPS in the database.
storeCoordinate(int, Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Stores coordinates from the GPS in the database.
storeCoordinate(int, List<Coordinate>) - Method in class triptracker.server.persistence.PersistenceAdapter
Stores buffered coordinates from the GPS in the database.
storeTmpCoords(Coordinate) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Stores temporary coordinates while without internet connection.
strToBool(String) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
Returns a boolean value from a string.
strToBool(String, boolean) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Utils
Returns a boolean value from a string.
SuperPanel - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
Gui superclass for mapclientfor for
SuperPanel() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
SwingWorker - Class in triptracker.client.ui
This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.
SwingWorker() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.ui.SwingWorker
Start a thread that will call the construct method and then exit.
syncCoords() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Gets the current coordinate from the GPS.


TabbedForm - Class in triptracker.client.map.ui
TabbedForm(MapClientGui, MapSocket) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
TabbedForm(MapClientGui, String, MapSocket) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.ui.TabbedForm
Test - Class in triptracker.testing
Test() - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.Test
TIMEOUT - Static variable in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection
timerIsRunning() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Checks wether the timer is running or not
toDecTest() - Static method in class triptracker.testing.Test
toString() - Method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
Returns the string representation of a latitude/longitude coordinate.
toString() - Method in class triptracker.core.Ellipsoid
toString() - Method in class triptracker.core.Route
toString() - Method in class triptracker.core.Sexagesimal
Returns a sexagesimal formatted string representation of a coordinate.
toString(int) - Method in class triptracker.core.Sexagesimal
Returns a sexagesimal formatted string representation of a coordinate with the given number of decimals for seconds.
toString(double) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Sexagesimal
Returns a sexagesimal formatted string representation of a coordinate.
toString() - Method in class triptracker.core.User
toString() - Method in class triptracker.core.UTMPoint
trackButton - Variable in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
transferBufferedDialog() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Creates a dialog for transfer buffered coordinates or not
transferBufferedDialog() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.RoutesForm
Dialog created to ask if transfer buffered coordinates
transferTmpCoords() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Transfers coordinates stored in a temporary file while network was unreachable.
transferToServer() - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.ui.MainForm
Transferring to server, changes status message, text on server button and the server button icon to transfer mode.
translate3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Both translation matrices.
translatex3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
X-axis translation matrix.
translatey3x3 - Static variable in class triptracker.client.map.core.SimpleMatrixOps
Y-axis translation matrix.
triptracker.client.gps.core - package triptracker.client.gps.core
triptracker.client.gps.ui - package triptracker.client.gps.ui
triptracker.client.map.core - package triptracker.client.map.core
triptracker.client.map.ui - package triptracker.client.map.ui
triptracker.client.net - package triptracker.client.net
triptracker.client.ui - package triptracker.client.ui
triptracker.core - package triptracker.core
triptracker.server - package triptracker.server
triptracker.server.persistence - package triptracker.server.persistence
triptracker.testing - package triptracker.testing
triptracker.testing.compress - package triptracker.testing.compress
triptracker.testing.dbtest - package triptracker.testing.dbtest


updateRouteInfo() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.ConfigPanel
Updates route information in routeInfo label
user - Variable in class triptracker.client.map.ui.SuperPanel
User - Class in triptracker.core
User(int, String) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.User
User(int, String, String) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.User
user - Variable in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
USER_GET - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Gets spesific user
userReceived(User) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
userReceived(User) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Publish updated user to all listeners
userReceived(User) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
Invoked when a rouser is received.
userReceived(User) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.MapSocketListener
Invoked when a rouser is received.
USERS_GET - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Get list of all users.
usersReceived(List<User>) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.MapViewPanel
Unimplemented methods from interface
usersReceived(List<User>) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocket
Publish an updated user list event to all listeners.
usersReceived(List<User>) - Method in class triptracker.client.net.MapSocketAdapter
Invoked when a list of registered users is received.
usersReceived(List<User>) - Method in interface triptracker.client.net.MapSocketListener
Invoked when a list of registered users is received.
Utils - Class in triptracker.core
Miscellaneous utility methods.
Utils() - Constructor for class triptracker.core.Utils
UTMPoint - Class in triptracker.core
UTMPoint(double, double, int, char) - Constructor for class triptracker.core.UTMPoint
UTMtest - Class in triptracker.testing
UTMtest() - Constructor for class triptracker.testing.UTMtest
utmToLl(int, UTMPoint) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
utmToLl(int, double, double, int, char) - Static method in class triptracker.core.Coordinate


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSStatusState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEAManufacturerID
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentenceID
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEATalkerID
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEATalkerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum triptracker.client.net.MapSocketListener.RouteState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum triptracker.core.ConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSStatusState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEAManufacturerID
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEASentenceID
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEATalkerID
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum triptracker.client.gps.core.NMEATalkerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum triptracker.client.net.MapSocketListener.RouteState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum triptracker.core.ConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
VIEW_ROUTES - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Request for a list of all routes for a spesific user.
viewRoutes(String) - Method in class triptracker.server.ClientHandler
Get all routes from a specific user send them to the reciever.


WGS84_A - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
See http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/LatLongVincenty.html
WGS84_B - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
WGS84_F - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Coordinate
WGS_60 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
WGS_66 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
WGS_72 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
WGS_84 - Static variable in class triptracker.core.ReferenceEllipsoids
WMSMapProvider - Class in triptracker.client.map.core
WMSMapProvider() - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
WMSMapProvider(int, int) - Constructor for class triptracker.client.map.core.WMSMapProvider
write(int) - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class triptracker.testing.compress.CompressedBlockOutputStream
writeGPSData(String) - Method in class triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSClientModel
Write data from GPS-reciever to a file.


ZIP_BUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class triptracker.core.Protocol
Default compressed buffersize.
zoomIn() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Magnifies route with specified zoomRatio
zoomInMatrix(double[]) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
zoomOut() - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map
Zooms out route with specified zoomRatio
zoomOutMatrix(double[]) - Method in class triptracker.client.map.ui.Map


Copyright © 2006 Team Trip Tracker. All Rights Reserved.