Interface FormManager

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFormManager, GPSGui, MapClientGui

public interface FormManager

The form manager interface provides methods for forms to register on their parent GUI object and gives them the ability to change to other forms dynamically.

Method Summary
 void deregister(Form form)
          De-register a form from a form manager.
 void register(Form form)
          Register a form on the form manager.
 void showForm(Form form)
          Shows the specified form on the container controlled by the form manager.

Method Detail


void register(Form form)
Register a form on the form manager. The form manager usually inserts the form into a form list and adds the JComponent from the form to its container object.

form - to register


void deregister(Form form)
De-register a form from a form manager. The form manager removes the form from the form list and its container object.

form - to de-register


void showForm(Form form)
Shows the specified form on the container controlled by the form manager.

form - to show

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