Uses of Class

Packages that use GPSClientModel

Uses of GPSClientModel in triptracker.client.gps.ui

Constructors in triptracker.client.gps.ui with parameters of type GPSClientModel
GPSController(GPSClientModel model, GPSGui view)
GPSGui(GPSClientModel model)
          Default constructor.
GPSSettingsController(GPSClientModel model, GPSSettingsForm view)
GPSSettingsForm(GPSGui view, GPSClientModel model)
          The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view's FormManager.
GPSSettingsForm(GPSGui view, String name, GPSClientModel model)
          The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
LoginController(GPSClientModel model, LoginForm view)
LoginForm(GPSGui view, GPSClientModel model)
          The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
LoginForm(GPSGui view, String name, GPSClientModel model)
          The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
MainForm(GPSGui view, GPSClientModel model)
MainForm(GPSGui view, GPSClientModel model, String name)
MainFormController(GPSClientModel model, MainForm view)
RoutesController(GPSClientModel model, RoutesForm view, Form mainForm)
RoutesForm(GPSGui view, GPSClientModel model, Form mainForm)
          The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
RoutesForm(GPSGui view, String name, GPSClientModel model, Form mainForm)
          The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.

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