Uses of Class

Packages that use Coordinate

Uses of Coordinate in triptracker.client.gps.core

Methods in triptracker.client.gps.core that return Coordinate
 Coordinate GPSClientModel.getCurrentCoord()
          Gets the current coordinate
 Coordinate GPSConnection.getCurrentCoordinate()
 Coordinate GPSClientModel.getOldCoord()
          Gets the old coordinate

Methods in triptracker.client.gps.core with parameters of type Coordinate
 void GPSListener.coordReceived(Coordinate coord)
          Invoked when a new coordinate is received from the GPS unit.
 void GPSClientModel.storeTmpCoords(Coordinate coord)
          Stores temporary coordinates while without internet connection.

Uses of Coordinate in triptracker.client.gps.ui

Methods in triptracker.client.gps.ui with parameters of type Coordinate
 void MainForm.coordReceived(Coordinate coord)

Uses of Coordinate in

Fields in with type parameters of type Coordinate
protected  List<Coordinate> SuperPanel.coordList

Methods in with parameters of type Coordinate
 void Map.addCoordinate(Coordinate coord)
          For adding coordinate while route is beeing plotted realtime.
 void MapViewPanel.coordReceived(int routeId, Coordinate coord)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Coordinate
 double InfoPanel.calcDist(List<Coordinate> coordList)
          Calculates route distance
 void InfoPanel.calcRoute(List<Coordinate> coordList)
          Calculates information about route average speed, distance and time spent.
 void InfoPanel.calcWidth(List<Coordinate> coordList)
          Calculates with from west to east.
 void MapViewPanel.coordsReceived(List<Coordinate> coords)
 void Map.drawBezierRoute(List<Coordinate> coordList)
          Drawing route in bezier splines
 void Map.drawStraightRoute(List<Coordinate> coordList)
          Draw route.
 double[] Map.getLimits(List<Coordinate> coordList)
          Return edge limits for the given set of coordinates.
 void MapViewPanel.routeReceived(int routeId, List<Coordinate> coords)
          Called from model when route is recieved from server
 void Map.setCoordList(List<Coordinate> coordList)
          Sets route to plot
protected  void SuperPanel.setCoordList(List<Coordinate> coordList)
          Sets list of coordinates
 void TabbedForm.setRoute(List<Coordinate> coordList)
 void InfoPanel.setRouteList(List<Coordinate> coordList)

Uses of Coordinate in

Methods in with parameters of type Coordinate
protected  void MapSocket.coordReceived(int routeId, Coordinate coord)
          Publish a connection state change event to all listeners.
 void MapSocketAdapter.coordReceived(int routeId, Coordinate coordinate)
          Invoked when a coordinate is received.
 void MapSocketListener.coordReceived(int routeId, Coordinate coordinate)
          Invoked when a coordinate is received.
 void GPSSocket.sendCoord(Coordinate coord)
          Sends coordinates to server.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Coordinate
protected  void MapSocket.coordsReceived(List<Coordinate> coords)
          Publish a connection state change event to all listeners.
 void MapSocketAdapter.coordsReceived(List<Coordinate> coords)
          Invoked when buffered coordinates is received.
 void MapSocketListener.coordsReceived(List<Coordinate> coords)
          Invoked when buffered coordinates is received.
protected  void MapSocket.routeReceived(int routeId, List<Coordinate> coords)
          Publish a route list update event to all listeners.
 void MapSocketAdapter.routeReceived(int routeId, List<Coordinate> coordinates)
          Invoked when a list of coordinates for a given route is received.
 void MapSocketListener.routeReceived(int routeId, List<Coordinate> coordinates)
          Invoked when a list of coordinates for a given route is received.

Uses of Coordinate in triptracker.core

Methods in triptracker.core that return Coordinate
static Coordinate Coordinate.utmToLl(int ellipsoidId, double northing, double easting, int zoneNum, char zoneLetter)
static Coordinate Coordinate.utmToLl(int i, UTMPoint utmpoint)

Methods in triptracker.core with parameters of type Coordinate
static double Coordinate.cosineDist(Coordinate coord1, Coordinate coord2)
          Returns the distance between two points according to the law of cosines.
 double Coordinate.haversineDist(Coordinate coord)
          Returns the Haversine distance from this to another coordinate.
static double Coordinate.haversineDist(Coordinate coord1, Coordinate coord2)
          Returns the Haversine distance between two points.

Method parameters in triptracker.core with type arguments of type Coordinate
static double Coordinate.haversineDist(List<Coordinate> coords)
          Returns the sequential Haverside distance between the coordinates.

Uses of Coordinate in triptracker.server

Methods in triptracker.server with parameters of type Coordinate
 void GPSHandler.coordinateUpdate(Coordinate coord)
          Notifies all listeners and send them the coordinate.
 void MapHandler.coordinateUpdate(Coordinate coord)
          Sends newly recieved coordinate to mapClient.
 void CoordListener.coordinateUpdate(Coordinate coord)
          Invoked when a new coordinate is received from a GPS client.
 void GPSHandler.storeCoordinate(Coordinate coord)
          Publish a coordinate to all coordinate listeners and then lets the persistency layer store it permanently.

Uses of Coordinate in triptracker.server.persistence

Methods in triptracker.server.persistence that return types with arguments of type Coordinate
 List<Coordinate> Persistence.getCoordinates(int routeID)
          Returns the coordinates of a route for a specific user and route.
 List<Coordinate> PersistenceAdapter.getCoordinates(int routeID)
          Returns the coordinates of a route for a specific user and route.
 List<Coordinate> MySqlDB.getCoordinates(int routeID)
          Returns the coordinates of a route for a specific user and route.

Methods in triptracker.server.persistence with parameters of type Coordinate
 void Persistence.storeCoordinate(int routeID, Coordinate coord)
          Stores coordinates from the GPS in the database.
 void PersistenceAdapter.storeCoordinate(int routeID, Coordinate coord)
          Stores coordinates from the GPS in the database.
 void MySqlDB.storeCoordinate(int routeID, Coordinate coord)
          Stores coordinates from the GPS in the database.

Method parameters in triptracker.server.persistence with type arguments of type Coordinate
 void Persistence.storeCoordinate(int routeID, List<Coordinate> coords)
          Stores buffered coordinates from the GPS in the database.
 void PersistenceAdapter.storeCoordinate(int routeID, List<Coordinate> coord)
          Stores buffered coordinates from the GPS in the database.
 void MySqlDB.storeCoordinate(int routeID, List<Coordinate> coords)
          Stores buffered coordinates from the GPS in the database.

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