triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSConnection | Line |
Finish method, move this out from GPSConnection? | 196 |
triptracker.client.gps.core.GPSStatusState | Line |
Rename to something more intuitive. | 25 | | Line |
Implement search for existing cache update. | 36 |
Implement the caching in here. | 45 | | Line |
Attempt to convert the list of basic matrices into an enum. | 25 |
Maybe move these operations directly into the Matrix2D class | 232 |
Use the new Matrix2D MatrixIterator to perform the operation. | 233 |
Convert to double/Number processing. | 257 |
Convert to double/Number processing. | 310 |
Could use 90 degree rotation matrix operations. | 320 |
Examine if System.arraycopy() could do the job instead. Build the minimized layout from the edge coordinates. | 358 | | Line |
Move to properties file or use applet param | 74 |
Move to properties file or use applet param | 75 |
Auto-generated method stub | 164 | | Line |
It might be enough to check isClosed() because it might work to send a message while the socket is still connecting. Then it might send it right after successfully connecting. This needs to be tested. Same this as with sendMessage(...) except that this method uses sendMessage so it might not be needed here. | 63 | | Line |
Implement: Route not beeing tracked... | 324 |
implement: Tracker has stopped logging route. | 327 | | Line |
make it work with zip | 144 |
It might be enough to check isClosed() because it might work to send a message while the socket is still connecting. Then it might send it right after successfully connecting. This needs to be tested. | 154 |
for testing purposes only System.out.println("%% sent to server: " + Arrays.toString(message)); | 171 |
Server closes socket on QUIT, but should have timeout on closing to ensure disconnection. | 255 |
triptracker.server.CheckThread | Line |
(jani) Generalize to extend ClientHandler, be single threaded. | 39 |
Add dynamic loading of persistency driver from the file "" in the triptracker/server/persistence/ folder. | 43 |
Generalize this class to replace "null" with "this". Integrate it with ClientHandler. | 79 |
MVC this. | 82 |
MVC this. | 84 |
Fix MVC, generalize. | 96 |
Generalize this class to replace "null" with "this". | 147 |
triptracker.server.ClientHandler | Line |
Implement ZIP compression method | 179 |
Fix MVC. | 226 |
triptracker.server.GPSHandler | Line |
(harald) Not finished yet!!! | 60 |
Check for unlocking too. | 121 |
triptracker.server.MapHandler | Line |
(harald) Not finished yet!!! The method making sure everything is being shutdown before the handler deletes itself. | 52 |
Implement method | 159 |
Implement method | 169 |
Legg til siste koordinat, aktiv | 214 |
Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } | 226 |
triptracker.server.Server | Line |
Move to properties file | 66 |
Remove method when ConsoleServer is complete. | 80 |
Move to properties file | 86 |
MVC listener call | 106 |
MVC listener call | 109 |
MVC listener call | 117 |
(jani) Add compareTo in GPSHandler to use binSearch or SortedSet protected final GPSHandler getGPSHandler(final int routeId){ | 127 |
triptracker.server.ServerListener | Line |
(jani) Need to separate between map and GPS clients. State chart. public void clientListUpdate(ClientHandler client, ConnectionState state); | 37 |
triptracker.server.persistence.MySqlDB | Line |
Provide some kind of feedback to client if save failed. | 146 |
Provide some kind of feedback to client if save failed. | 177 |
triptracker.testing.CoordinateTest | Line |
just for testing purposes System.out.println(point.toString()); System.out.println(prevPoint.toString()); | 79 |
triptracker.testing.compress.DBDebugProxy | Line |
Modify for compression testing with byte counting. | 30 |