Uses of Interface

Packages that use Form

Uses of Form in triptracker.client.gps.ui

Classes in triptracker.client.gps.ui that implement Form
 class GPSSettingsForm
 class LoginForm
 class MainForm
 class RoutesForm

Methods in triptracker.client.gps.ui that return Form
 Form GPSGui.getCurrentForm()
          Gets the current form
 Form GPSGui.getLoginForm()
          Gets the form registered as login form

Methods in triptracker.client.gps.ui with parameters of type Form
 void GPSGui.deregister(Form form)
          Deregisters a form
 void GPSGui.register(Form form)
          Registers a form
 void GPSGui.showForm(Form form)
          Shows the given form

Constructors in triptracker.client.gps.ui with parameters of type Form
RoutesController(GPSClientModel model, RoutesForm view, Form mainForm)
RoutesForm(GPSGui view, GPSClientModel model, Form mainForm)
          The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.
RoutesForm(GPSGui view, String name, GPSClientModel model, Form mainForm)
          The constructor creates a JPanel for the login information, and registers as a form on the view.

Uses of Form in

Classes in that implement Form
 class TabbedForm

Methods in with parameters of type Form
 void MapClientGui.deregister(Form form)
 void MapClientGui.register(Form form)
 void MapClientGui.showForm(Form form)

Uses of Form in triptracker.client.ui

Fields in triptracker.client.ui declared as Form
protected  Form AbstractFormManager.currentForm
          The currently activated form.

Fields in triptracker.client.ui with type parameters of type Form
protected  List<Form> AbstractFormManager.forms
          List of currently registered forms.

Methods in triptracker.client.ui with parameters of type Form
abstract  void AbstractFormManager.addComponent(Form form)
          Invoked as a result of a form calling register.
 void AbstractFormManager.deregister(Form form)
          De-register a form from a form manager.
 void FormManager.deregister(Form form)
          De-register a form from a form manager.
 void AbstractFormManager.register(Form form)
          Register a form on the form manager.
 void FormManager.register(Form form)
          Register a form on the form manager.
abstract  void AbstractFormManager.removeComponent(Form form)
          Invoked as a result of a form calling deregister.
abstract  void AbstractFormManager.showComponent(Form form)
          Invoked as a result of a call to showForm.
 void AbstractFormManager.showForm(Form form)
          Shows the specified form on the container controlled by the form manager.
 void FormManager.showForm(Form form)
          Shows the specified form on the container controlled by the form manager.

Constructors in triptracker.client.ui with parameters of type Form
ChangeFormAction(FormManager manager, Form form)
          Creates a change form action with manager as form manager and form as the form to be shown when the action event is triggered.

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